Flip's Mission Statement

We exist to make a positive change in the world through children, by building their self esteem, self confidence, and most of all by having fun!

Monday, October 17, 2011

This weeks theme: Hugs Not Drugs

Toddler Concept: Before and After
We have been wanting to fit this concept in somewhere for a long time. We are all comping up on, if not already involved in, the process of "potty training". The hardest part of this wonderful feat is trying to get a two year old to understand the concept of "tell me before".
Hopefully, today's class will help your child to comprehend what in the world we are talking about. Your child will hug the teacher before s/he rolls over the steamroller, and will hug you after the steamroller. Then after climbing out of the Tumblebugs (pit), your child shoud hug you before going down the barrels and hug the stuffed animal after jumping down the barrels. Use your imagination to make up your own "before and afters." We are counting on this to help send us on our way to "big boy underwear Heaven!" In the weeks to come, give us some feedback on whether on not this helped you."

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