Flip's Mission Statement

We exist to make a positive change in the world through children, by building their self esteem, self confidence, and most of all by having fun!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Theme: Stretching

The Importance of Stretching

Few realize the importance of stretching before a workout. Many think that you can just jump into working out and forget about stretching. If you are one of those who has the habit of doing this, you must get familiar with the importance of stretching.
Reduces Injury to Your Muscles
Stretching reduces injury to your muscles. When you do not stretch before a workout, you have a higher risk of pulling your muscles or possibly causing permanent damage to them. Because you do not want this to happen to you, you need to engage in stretching every part of your body before starting your workout routine. You will have trouble making stretching a habit at first, but the more you do it as part of your routine, it will become second nature to you. It will become habit. That is a good one to have.
Makes You Flexible
Stretching will cause you to become more flexible. This is because you are stretching the stiffness out of your muscles. When you are more flexible, your workout will be able to be completed more successfully. When you are stiff, the opposite will occur. You will not have a successful workout at all. Your muscles will have the rubber band effect on you, which can make it quite difficult to do even the most simplest of exercises.
Decrease Muscle Soreness
Stretching will enable you to decrease muscle soreness. When your muscles are not stretched out as much as possible before a workout, you will experience more muscle soreness compared to if you do stretch out your muscles.
Now that you have been made aware of the importance of stretching out your muscles before a workout, you need to not forget to make stretching a part of your routine. After all, your body will thank you for making this decision.

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