Flip's Mission Statement

We exist to make a positive change in the world through children, by building their self esteem, self confidence, and most of all by having fun!

Monday, January 9, 2012

We're Back!

First, we want to thank everyone who participated in our 'Customer Appreciation Day'. We had a blast watching the kids interact with their teachers, and spend the morning showing us their favorite tricks. We love your kids and are grateful to call each and everyone of them a part of the 'Flips' Family.

This week's theme: Family Week
Concept: Before and After
Knowing this concept is very important when it comes to potty training. How will we teach it? Before you swing like a monkey, make a monkey sound. Before we go under the parachute, all the kids need to be off. After parachute time, we will do stamps. After stamps, who needs a hug?

Here are ten reasons for bringing your child to this class.... (there are truly hundreds of reasons.)
1. Their first experience with a teacher is magical.
2. One on one time with a paren in their world.
3. Stimulate the brain.
4. Motor development (fine, motor and small).
5. Increase cognitive awareness (learn concepts.)
6. Socialize (problem solving.)
7. Learn that their choices are valued.
8. Balance, spatial awarness, attention span.
9. Learn to take turns and share.
10. Stimulate the imagination.

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