Flip's Mission Statement

We exist to make a positive change in the world through children, by building their self esteem, self confidence, and most of all by having fun!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

This Weeks Gymnast Spotlight

Abby Gappmeyer
Age: 5
Abby’s Favorites:
Food: Macaroni
Movie: Vampire Dog
Color: Pink

Abby has AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL straight legs 
on her cartwheels and handstands! Thanks Abby!

Brighton Johnson
Age: 6
Brighton’s Favorites:
Color: Purple
Event: Bars
Food: ice creamBrighton comes to the gym every week 
ready to work hard and try new skills with a smile on her face! 

Dawson Kerr
Dawson’s Favorites:
Food: Spaghetti
Color: Green
Movie: Avengers
Dawson is always a great listener and tries all the tricks while giving 100%!! Thanks Dawson!

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