Flip's Mission Statement

We exist to make a positive change in the world through children, by building their self esteem, self confidence, and most of all by having fun!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Theme: Superbowl

Concept: Family Traditions

Family traditions can be a way to reconnect and create a much needed sense of belonging, and for those no longer part of a “traditional” family set-up, setting traditions can be even more important. Traditions don’t have to be time-consuming either, although it’s worth taking a moment right now to think about the fact that spending time together is what family traditions are all about.
We all tend to think of the holidays when we think tradition, and certainly holiday traditions are important, but there are many simple everyday ways to bring tradition into your family life. Something as simple as sitting down and eating a proper family meal together can become a daily or weekly tradition. Even takeout night, or sandwich night can become a tradition if you create a regular slot for it, surround it with little rituals and stick to it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Theme: Stretching

The Importance of Stretching

Few realize the importance of stretching before a workout. Many think that you can just jump into working out and forget about stretching. If you are one of those who has the habit of doing this, you must get familiar with the importance of stretching.
Reduces Injury to Your Muscles
Stretching reduces injury to your muscles. When you do not stretch before a workout, you have a higher risk of pulling your muscles or possibly causing permanent damage to them. Because you do not want this to happen to you, you need to engage in stretching every part of your body before starting your workout routine. You will have trouble making stretching a habit at first, but the more you do it as part of your routine, it will become second nature to you. It will become habit. That is a good one to have.
Makes You Flexible
Stretching will cause you to become more flexible. This is because you are stretching the stiffness out of your muscles. When you are more flexible, your workout will be able to be completed more successfully. When you are stiff, the opposite will occur. You will not have a successful workout at all. Your muscles will have the rubber band effect on you, which can make it quite difficult to do even the most simplest of exercises.
Decrease Muscle Soreness
Stretching will enable you to decrease muscle soreness. When your muscles are not stretched out as much as possible before a workout, you will experience more muscle soreness compared to if you do stretch out your muscles.
Now that you have been made aware of the importance of stretching out your muscles before a workout, you need to not forget to make stretching a part of your routine. After all, your body will thank you for making this decision.

Monday, January 16, 2012

This week is all about Make Believe Play

Theme: Disney
Concept: Emphasis on Make Believe

Research has shown that pretend play is very important for a young child's development in number of ways. First, children develop and hone a number of important social skills in the midst of zooming cars and fort building. In fact, when another child is involved, they are able to practice turn-taking, sharing responsibility (for the direction of play), and creative problem solving. For instance, when the play comes to a stand-still because of a surprising "obstacle", children must think quickly and cooperatively to develop a plan for the next direction of play. Working through these challenges together, lends itself to further social skill development.

In addition, children practice language skills within the context of pretend play. During play, children often experiment with language and voices (e.g., mom calling the children to dinner). Parents and teachers can facilitate this process by introducing new words into the play.

Finally, pretend play inspires the imagination and thinking skills. Pretend play naturally involves the question, "And, what happens next?" If the right creative materials are available, the sky is the limit in answer to that question!

Monday, January 9, 2012

We're Back!

First, we want to thank everyone who participated in our 'Customer Appreciation Day'. We had a blast watching the kids interact with their teachers, and spend the morning showing us their favorite tricks. We love your kids and are grateful to call each and everyone of them a part of the 'Flips' Family.

This week's theme: Family Week
Concept: Before and After
Knowing this concept is very important when it comes to potty training. How will we teach it? Before you swing like a monkey, make a monkey sound. Before we go under the parachute, all the kids need to be off. After parachute time, we will do stamps. After stamps, who needs a hug?

Here are ten reasons for bringing your child to this class.... (there are truly hundreds of reasons.)
1. Their first experience with a teacher is magical.
2. One on one time with a paren in their world.
3. Stimulate the brain.
4. Motor development (fine, motor and small).
5. Increase cognitive awareness (learn concepts.)
6. Socialize (problem solving.)
7. Learn that their choices are valued.
8. Balance, spatial awarness, attention span.
9. Learn to take turns and share.
10. Stimulate the imagination.