Flip's Mission Statement

We exist to make a positive change in the world through children, by building their self esteem, self confidence, and most of all by having fun!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Holiday Shows 2012

Flip’s Holiday Shows 2012

Monday, December 17
            4:00-5:15  All Level B Girls Classes
            5:30-6:45  Wednesday and Tuesday Level A Girls Classes
            7:00-8:15  Level C and Level 3 Girls Classes     

Tuesday, December 18
            4:00-5:15  All Kinder 3 Girls and Little Flipper girls
            5:30-6:45  All Big Gym Boys Classes (Kinder 3, A, B, C, 4)
            7:00-8:15  All Tramp and Tumbling Classes (1, 2, 3, 4)

Wednesday, December 19
4:00-5:15  All Monday and Thursday Level A Girls
            5:30-6:45  Monday and Tuesday Mini Classes

Thursday, December 20
            4:00-5:15  All Monday and Tuesday Kinder 1 Classes
            5:30-6:45  All Wednesday and Thursday Mini Classes

Friday, December 21
            4:00-5:15  All Kinder 2 Classes
5:30-6:45 Wednesday and Thursday Kinder 1 Classes

Saturday, December 22
            9:00-10:15 All toddler Classes

*Remember that shows take the place of your regular class for this week.*

Monday, November 26, 2012

Week of November 26th!

We hope you had a great Thanksgiving Break! Just some information for the upcoming week:

*This week's theme is Hollywood week! It's all about spolighting your child, making them feel special and that they are number one. Giving them a boost in confidence and raising their self esteem.

* Congratulations to Nicole Danielle Knepper, Michele Bueno Backes, Danielle Bousha', Angelise Morrison, Jenn Critchley, Sandra Gold, Margo Benson Wilson, Kimberly Atwood Morton, and Natalie   Larson Tibbs. You have been entered into our November Giveaway. Names will be entered into a random name selector and announced this Friday! Thank you to everyone who has entered!

*Saturday is our FREE Flip's Fitness Preview from 10:00-11:00am. There will be a mini-gym session for kids 3 and up while the workout is going on. Make sure to sign up in the office to reserve your spot.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gymnasts of the Week

Emily Dickson
Age: 7
Emily’s Favorites:
Food: Pizza
Color: Pink
Movie: Tangled
Thanks for being a hard worker and having such a great personality!!

    Charlotte Morrison
Age: 3
Charlotte’s Favorites:
Food: tomatoes
Color: Pink
Movie: Madagascar
Charlotte is an amazing listener and as a mini can already teeter-totter!!

Ethan Andrew
Age: 8 1/2
Ethan's Favorites:
Food: Steak
Color: Red
Movie: Star Wars
Thank you Ethan for always being such a great listener and for working hard!


The First ever Family Gym! 
No babysitters or daycare needed! Come get your 
workout on, while the kids exercise in the mini gym.

FREE Preview Day: December 1, 2012 @ 10:00-11:00 am
This class is a combination of strength training and 
cardio/endurance. It's for everybody. Work at your own
pace and at your own level. But more importantly, it's FUN.

"I want everyone to see a difference, to see results, but I want it to be fun, and I want everyone to learn something new. You don't know how strong you really are, until you push yourself. "- Kaitlin

Classes will be held every Monday and Wednesday morning from
10:00 -11:00 am.
And, It gets even better!
Instead of making a monthly payment, and missing a few classes, this will be a punch pass. So you only pay for the classes you
can attend! 

10 Session Punch Pass: $70
Discounts offered for multiple family members

Purchase your punch pass at our office or email 
Kaitlin at kaitlinphelps@hotmail.com for more information.

Tuesday Trivia

Tuesday Trivia: What is the estimated number of turkey's eaten on Thanksgiving?
If you answer our question correctly (or close to) you will be entered in our monthly giveaway.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday Trivia

Since this week is all about creativity, who said these famous words?
“Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not. ” 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Congrats Keith Paananen

Congratualtions Keith Paananen you are the winner for our Monthy (October) giveaway! Thank you for answering our trivia questions each week. You have won a free private session with one of our best coaches. Come into the office to schedule your session. *All winning names were entered into and chosen through a random name selector online. Watch for our trivia questions on Tuesday so you can win our Novembers giveaway!

Creative Week!

Theme: Creative Week
Concept: To sare the experience, not direct it.

It is fun to have this idea for the actual concept, although it is something we do in every class. Maybe I shoudl say that it is our hope that you are not directing your child in class. It can be difficult to give up control. As adults, we have certain expectations for our child. Let go of your expectations and allow your toddler the freedom to make their own choices. Yipee for mistakes, falls, bumps, and problems to solve. If you steer your child away from a tunnel that already has children in it because you know that so many children will cause a clog in the tunnel, then you have robbed your child of learning and problem solving on their own.
Let your child explore while you act as the saftey net and the mouth piece of information. Creative Week teaches children that they are important and an individual. They should get the message loud and clear that their idea's are just as good and important as our idea's.
*Academic smarts are easy to find, but creativity is rare and precious. -Robert Sternberg